EPoPPEA Workshop

Joint ENCORE & PEPPHER Workshop on Programmability and Portability for Emerging Architectures (EPoPPEA)

In conjunction with the HiPEAC'12 Conference

Tuesday, January 24, 2012, Paris, France


Keynote: Mitsuhisa Sato (University of Tsukuba and RIKEN AICS) "The K Computer and XcalableMP Parallel Language Project: Towards a Programming Environment for Peta-scale Computing" (TXT)


The two European FP7 projects ENCORE (ENabling technologies for a programmable many-CORE) and PEPPHER (PErformance Portability and Programmability for HEterogeneous many-core aRchitectures) address vital challenges in programmability for emerging many-core architectures, as well as means to ensure some form of functional and performance portability across different such architectures. The two projects, however, have different basic assumptions and complementary approaches. Following the successful organization of the 2011 PEPPHER Workshop at HiPEAC'11, the 2012 joint ENCORE & PEPPHER workshop is intended to highlight the visions of these two projects, show recent developments in these projects, with the intention of fostering exchange of ideas and identifying possible points of (future) collaboration. This will be done in an informal setting, with a clear invitation to other related European projects to join the discussion - a panel discussion will be organized as the conclusion of the workshop with this aim.

More information about ENCORE and PEPPHER may be found at the corresponding web-sites www.encore-project.eu and www.peppher.eu.

Main topics

Approaches to programmability and performance portability for emerging many-core architectures will be addressed. Workshop topics include, but are not limited to,

1) Methods and tools for component-based software;
2) Portable compilation techniques;
3) Adaptive, auto-tuned algorithms and data structures;
4) Efficient, flexible run-time systems;
5) Hardware support mechanisms for auto-tuning, synchronization and scheduling.

Workshop format

This single-day workshop will include a keynote, several invited talks, and a panel. Invited talks and the panel will involve beside ENCORE and PEPPHER also other related European projects.

Preliminary deadlines

Preliminary technical program: December 1, 2011
Workshop: Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Workshop speakers will be invited based on their contributions to the workshop-relevant topics in the last several years. They will not be selected based on the paper submissions, and therefore the information such as the paper-submission deadline is not specified.


This workshop is organized in conjunction with the 7th International Conference on High-Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC'12), January 23-25, 2012, Paris, France

Organizers and their affiliations

Siegfried Benkner and Sabri Pllana (University of Vienna)
Ben Juurlink (TU Berlin)
Alex Ramirez (Barcelona Supercomputing Center & UPC)
Jesper Larsson Traff (TU Wien)


Sabri Pllana
University of Vienna,
Research Group of Scientific Computing,
Nordbergstrasse 15/C/3,
1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
T +43-1-4277-39411
F +43-1-4277-9394
E pllana AT par.univie.ac.at