2012-11-16: SC12 Conference
The Research Groups "Scientific Computing" and "Theory and Applications of Algorithms" of the Faculty of Computer Science organized a research exhibition at the SC12 conference (November 10--16, 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA). SC12 is sponsored by ACM and the IEEE Computer Society. With more than 10.000 participants, SC is the World's major event in Parallel and High Performance Computing and announces each year the world's fastest supercomputers (Top 500 list). In addition, Prof. Siegfried Benkner gave an invited talk at the exhibition on programming support for the new Intel Xeon Phi processor.
2012-10-15: Thematic session at the HiPEAC Computing Systems Week in Ghent
Our research group organized successfully a thematic session on
"Models and Assistive Tools for Programming Emerging Architectures"
at the HiPEAC Computing Systems Week in Ghent, Belgium; Monday, October 15, 2012.
2012-07-04: New Location of Research Group Scientific Computing
Starting from the beginning of July 2012 our research group is located at Währinger Straße 29. Please note that also the phone numbers of group members are changed.
2012-01-20: EuroMPI 2012 Conference Prof. Benkner is co-chairing the Program Committee of EuroMPI 2012 Conference, which is organized in Vienna, Austria,
23 - 26 September, 2012.
2012-01-20: EPoPPEA Workshop
Joint ENCORE & PEPPHER Workshop on Programmability and Portability for Emerging Architectures (EPoPPEA). In conjunction with the HiPEAC'12 Conference, January 23-25, 2012, Paris, France (EPoPPEA@HiPEAC'12).
2011-11-28: Research Exhibition at the ACM/IEEE SC11 Conference
The Research Groups "Scientific Computing" and
"Theory and Applications of Algorithms" of the Faculty of Computer Science organized a research exhibition (Photo 1, Photo 2) at the SC11 conference (November 12--18, 2011, Seattle, Washington, USA). SC11 is sponsored by ACM and the IEEE Computer Society. With more than 10.000 participants, SC is the World's major event in Parallel and High Performance Computing.
Both research groups exhibited their research in the areas of parallel and distributed computing, Cloud and Grid computing, efficient algorithms (e.g., the interaction between algorithms and reconfigurable hardware architectures) and scientific applications. Demonstrations included the Vienna Cloud Environment, jSPACE, the European Union projects PEPPHER, VPH-Share, ADMIRE and AutoTune, high performance computing on FPGAs, and high performance libraries for scientific computing.
2011-10-06: Funded research positions for PhD students in Parallel Computing Funded research positions for PhD students in Parallel Computing
are available at the
Research Group of Scientific Computing, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Vienna, Austria. Applicants, preferably with background in parallel computing, must hold a master's degree (or equivalent) in computer science or other related areas. Programming skills in C/C++ and/or Java are required. Fluency in English (written and spoken) and interest in writing up and presenting research results completes the applicant's profile.
Applications should be submitted electronically and should include a short statement of research interests, CV, copy of diploma thesis, and the name of at least one reference that may be contacted for additional information.
Please submit your application to Prof. Dr. Siegfried Benkner.
2011-03-01: FP7 Project VPH-SHARE Started
Our research group
is contributing as partner to the EU-funded FP7 project "Virtual Physiological Human: Sharing for Healthcare - A Research Environment
(VPH-SHARE)", which started on 2011-03-01. The total budget of VPH-SHARE is 14.5 million Euro, and the duration of the project is 48 months.
2011-01-01: Neuer Name - New name
Nach einer nderung der Binnenstruktur an der Fakultt fr Informatik
lautet unser neuer Name ab sofort "Forschungsgruppe Scientific Computing".
After a change in the organizational structure of the Faculty of Computer
Science our new name is now "Research Group Scientific Computing".
2010-12-16: Research Exhibition at the ACM/IEEE SC10 Conference
The department of scientific computing and the research lab computational technologies and applications organized a research exhibition at the SC10 conference (November 13--19, 2010, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA). SC10 is sponsored by ACM and the IEEE Computer Society. With more than 10 000 participants, SC is the World's major event in parallel computing.
2010-08-24: Wiley Book on "Programming Multi-core and Many-core Computing Systems"
Sabri Pllana is editing a Wiley Book on
"Programming Multi-core and Many-core Computing Systems". This book is planned to be published in 2011 in the Wiley Series on "Parallel and Distributed Computing" by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Deadline for submission of chapter proposals is October 1, 2010.
2010-04-27: Membership in HiPEAC European Network of Excellence
Members of our Department are contributing to
which is the European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation.
2010-02-26: HPCwire Published an Article about the PEPPHER Project
An overview of the PEPPHER project appeared in the
HPCwire on February 26, 2010. HPCwire is considered to be the leading source for global news and information covering the entire ecosystem of High Performance Computing (HPC).
(A screenshot in JPG format)
2010-01-11: FP7 Project PEPPHER Started
The EU-funded FP7 project "Performance Portability and Programmability for
Heterogeneous Many-core Architectures
which is coordinated by our research group,
started on January 01, 2010. The total budget of PEPPHER is 3.44 million Euro.
2009-12-14: MY SCIENCE European Programme for Young Journalists
Within the framework of the EU-funded FP7 project MY SCIENCE, 15 journalists from various European countries visited the Department of Scientific Computing in the period December 07--11, 2009. The journalists aimed to get acknowledged with the EU ICT research activities and to improve their skills for communicating science to mass media. A reach program for journalists has been prepared that included talks of the senior members of the Department of Scientific Computing and several invited external speakers. After the visit it is expected that each journalist will describe his/her impressions in one or two contributions to mass media. Some photos
are available here.
2009-11-20: Research Exhibition at SC09
Our department organized a
research exhibition
at the
SC09 conference
(November 14--20, 2009, Portland, Oregon, USA). SC09 is sponsored by ACM and the
IEEE Computer Society. With more than 10 000 participants,
SC is the World's major event in parallel computing.
2009-09-28: Talk Announcement
Dr. Jesper Larsson Traeff (NEC Laboratories Europe) will give a talk titled
"MPI on a million processors - and less" at our
(Nordbergstrae 15/C316, 1090 Wien) on the 15th of October 2009, 14:00h.
2009-09-22: Conference Organization - ICPP 2009 Siegfried Benkner
is serving as Program Chair for the 38th International Conference on Parallel Processing
(ICPP 2009).
Proceedings of the conference are published by the IEEE Computer Society.
2009-07-22: EU FP7 Project Proposal - PEPPHER
The FP7 Project Proposal PEPPHER (Performance Portability and Programmability for Heterogeneous Many-core Architectures), which is coordinated by our research group, has been top-ranked during the evaluation and no other project proposal that addressed the topic ICT-2009.3.6 received more points. The project is being considered for funding by the EC and the consortium has been already invited to negotiations.
2009-06-26: CORDIS Express Top Events - My Science Workshops
In the June 26th edition of CORDIS Express, the workshops organized by our EU-funded My Science project appeared in the list of Top Events.
2009-03-03: Book Chapter
Members of our research group, Sabri Pllana and Siegfried Benkner, contributed the chapter
"Hybrid Performance Modeling and Prediction of Large-Scale Parallel Systems"
to the book "Parallel Programming, Models and Applications in Grid and P2P Systems".
This book is published by IOS Press in the book series
Advances in Parallel Computing.
2009-01-05: MY SCIENCE - EU FP7 Project
Our EU FP7 project "MY SCIENCE" started on January 01, 2009.
2008-11-21: Research Exhibit at SC08
Our department has organized a
research exhibit
at the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
(SC08, November 15-21, 2008, Austin, Texas, USA).
2008-03-03: ADMIRE - EU FP7 Project
Our EU FP7 project "Advanced Data Mining and
Integration Research for Europe
started on March 01, 2008.
2008-03-03: CoreGRID - EU Network of Excellence (NoE)
Our Institute has joined the
which is the European Research Network on Foundations,
Software Infrastructures and Applications
for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies.
2008-02-15: PCA (Patch Check Advanced) PCA is featured
on Sun's list of official
patch tools. It's also mentioned in an
article on System News. Gerry Haskins, the Senior Engineering Manager
in charge of Software Release Engineering and Patch System Test at Sun,
lists PCA in his
blog entry on patch automation tools, and it has received some
very positive
2008-02-07: NESSI European Technology Platform
Our Department has joined the Networked European Software and Services
which is the European Technology Platform on Software and Services.
2008-01-15: Book Chapter
Members of our research group are contributing the chapter
"Specification, Planning, and Execution of QoS-aware Grid Workflows"
to the book
"Market Oriented Grid and Utility Computing".
Wiley, New York, USA.
2007-06-19: Informationsveranstaltung zum Masterstudium Scientific Computing
Am Mittwoch, 27.6.2007, 15 Uhr, findet eine Informationsveranstaltung zum
neu eingerichteten Masterstudium Scientific Computing statt. Ort der
Veranstaltung ist der HS 3 im UZA II (Geologiezentrum), Althanstra? 14
(siehe Link).
Bei der Veranstaltung wird das Gebiet Scientific Computing erl?tert und das Studium
vorgestellt. Informationen dazu findet man unter
Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich. F? Verpflegung ist gesorgt.
2007-05-21: Conference Organization
AURORA 2007 Conference on Scientific Computing
(June 18-20, 2007).
AURORA is a Priority Research Program on Advanced Models, Applications and
Software Systems for High Performance Computing supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).
The AURORA program started in April 1997 and has its major focus on
high-productivity language, compiler, and tool development, in addition
to applications and Grid computing.
This conference marks the official end of the AURORA Program.
It combines a presentation of the major scientific achievements by the
leading researchers involved with an assessment of the state-of-the-art
and an outlook to future developments in the field. Particular emphasis
will be placed on outlining the importance of the synergy between computer
scientists, mathematicians, and application designers, which was the key
for the successful work in AURORA.
2007-04-28: Zeitungsartikel
Supercomputer von heute sind Laptops von morgen.
"Der Einzug der Multicore-Architektur in Anwender-PCs und -Laptops wird
Software-Entwickler sehr bald vor die selben Probleme stellen, die derzeit
im Bereich des Supercomputing auftreten. "Wenn man sich die historische Entwicklung
anschaut, dann kann man davon ausgehen, dass die heutige Rechenleistung von Supercomputern
in zehn bis 15 Jahren auf dem Desktop verf?bar sein wird", erkl?t Siegfried Benkner,
Leiter des Instituts f? Computerwissenschaften
(Institut f? Scientific Computing, Anmerkung der Red.) an der Universit? Wien
im Gespr?h mit pressetext."
2006-08-31: Magisterstudium
Magisterstudium Scientific Computing(neu ab WS 2006/2007).
Die Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Masterstudiums Scientific Computing
an der Universit? Wien sind ?er ein Bekkalaureatsstudium hinaus bef?igt,
die oben skizzierten Anforderungen f? eine T?igkeit im Bereich des Scientific
Computing zu erf?len. Im Rahmen des Studiums erhalten sie eine fundierte
Ausbildung in der Informatik, welche sich am aktuellen internationalen Standard
des High Performance Computing orientiert. Daneben haben sie auch eine Ausbildung
in einem der m?lichen Anwendungsfelder des Scientific Computing, so dass sie in
interdisziplin?en Forschungs- und Entwicklungsteams an interessanten und
aktuellen Fragestellungen der computergest?zten substanzwissenschaftlichen
Forschung mitarbeiten k?nen.